Applying our Web Tools, you can easily concentrate on your website’s global recognition straight from your personal Web Site Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you can get a precise sitemap for your web site in no time. You can easily publish the sitemap to the major search engines to ensure that they could scan your site as quickly as possible. In addition, through the RSS News tool, you could add frequently kept up to date information on your website, which is a guarantee for higher rating positions with the major search engines. Titus Group - Web Hosting’s GeoIP redirection application will assist you to re–direct visitors from a specified place to a certain language version of your website for more accurate targeting results.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap creator bundled straight into your Web Site Control Panel

If you have recently brought out your web site and want it to be scanned quicker from the the major search engines, or if you want to offer your visitors a simple method to navigate through all of your pages, then you need to utilize a sitemap. Sitemap is a a set of all the pages on your website that are hyperlinked to. Commonly, you will have to rely on third–party applications to to get that done, however, with Titus Group - Web Hosting, you have access to a Sitemap Generator incorporated directly into the Web Site Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator we offer is really simple to use and since it is absolutely compatible with the cloud shared plans platform – your site is going to be examined really fast.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Very easy location–driven redirection

We provide an easy tool, which will help you filter the customers to your website based upon their country. For instance, using the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can easily forward all of the visitors coming from Spain to the Spanish version of your website if you’ve got such. This can help you focus on your visitors a lot more accurately and supply them with the onsite experience they are expecting.

No special skills or special comprehension are needed to use the GeoIP redirection application, and you no longer have to use .htaccess files to get the job done.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Display the most up–to–date news on your website

In the Titus Group - Web Hosting Web Site Control Panel, we’ve incorporated a tool, which lets you embed publications from the most popular information channels globally within your websites, with just a click. Our News Publication tool operates on auto–pilot and won’t need any extra setup work on your part,

The RSS News Syndication module is easy to customize with regards to HTML and CSS. You are able to adjust the amount of publication pieces that will be showcased, exactly how they will appear like, how they will be ordered, and so on.

RSS News