The monthly traffic feature, that’s at times also identified as bandwidth or information transfer, refers to the total volume of data which is uploaded to your shared hosting account and downloaded from it each month. The site traffic is produced predominantly by web site visits - every time somebody finds your web site, the web pages they see are downloaded from your web hosting server to his / her computer or smartphone and they are displayed by the web browser. What counts for the site traffic generated is the size of these web pages, hence the more visitors you get for some period of time, the more website traffic will be produced. In addition to the web site visits, file uploads will also be counted towards the entire monthly transfer this means that whenever you upload web site content as well as other files by using a file manager or an FTP program, they'll also produce some website traffic. The counter resets on the very first day of every month and it's not related to the date you have registered and the date you have renewed the web hosting package.

Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting

We've selected all the functions of our shared hosting plansin a way, so as to help with the growth of any kind of site hosted on our advanced cloud system. The site traffic that your account can generate makes no exception, as a result with a web hosting package from our company, you will not need to worry about the amount of content being transferred to and from your account at any moment. You will be able to host a lot of small-scale and medium-sized sites and be sure that the monthly traffic allowance won't be a problem for their development. In addition, we supply you with detailed monthly, daily and hourly stats that will give you extra details about the traffic that a given web site generates or what type of page/file is being downloaded the most and generates most of the traffic. Such information will help you arrange the administration of your sites along with your marketing strategies better.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

All of our semi-dedicated server packages are quite powerful and you can run a couple of websites in one account. The monthly traffic feature suits that power, so what you will have is a website hosting account with truly unrestricted data transfer. Due to this fact, your websites can grow as much as it's possible with this type of website hosting and you can have as many site visitors as you wish. For better website and account management, you will be able to check out the amount of site traffic each of your websites generates, but we will never set a restriction. For your convenience, you can see monthly, daily and hourly numbers along with the individual webpages that are visited most frequently, and the most downloaded files. Using our semi-dedicated hosting plans, you will never worry about getting to any type of traffic cap and you're able to concentrate on improving your sites and receiving more visitors.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers

The VPS hosting plans that we supply feature a monthly traffic allowance proportional to the system resources they come with. The more disk storage space and processing power a server features, the more probable it is that you will host more websites on it, thus the website traffic you can use increases with each plan. If you need more traffic at some point, you can update the plan via your billing Control Panel with just a few clicks and the additional system resources, including the larger traffic allowance, will be added to your account. You can monitor how much data has been transferred to and from your virtual server at any moment. For your benefit, we will inform you whenever you reach 90% of the quota so as to provide you with enough time to take action and reduce the site traffic or update your plan if necessary. Through your control panel, you will be able to see the traffic stats for each individual domain or subdomain in your VPS account.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

The monthly traffic allowance that is provided with our dedicated server packages will suit any type of web site regardless of its type. Your web applications can produce terabytes of website traffic, which ensures that all your site visitors will never see any sort of error message on your site a consequence of insufficient allowance like it can happen with various other forms of web hosting. We also leave the possibility to upgrade your site traffic amount open, however it is highly unlikely that you will ever need it even if you want to host a file sharing web site or a video streaming portal. The server administration Control Panel will give you accurate real-time information what amount of data has been transmitted for the month to date, and what amount of it remains before you reach the limit. We will also alert you any time you reach 90% of the quota just to be on the safe side and avoid any downtime of your sites. The data in this panel contains the full traffic, plus software downloads, consequently it's more accurate than the one in your current web hosting Control Panel where you are able to view details only about the customers generated by web content.