CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is that part of a computer system or a server that runs each of the calculations. Each CPU operates at a certain speed and the higher it is, the quicker everything shall be processed, so if you host resource-demanding web applications on a hosting server, for instance, a powerful processor shall allow them to be executed much faster, which will greatly contribute to the entire user experience. The modern generations of CPUs have two and more cores, each functioning at a particular speed to ensure a superior and quicker performance. This type of architecture enables the processor to handle different processes simultaneously or several cores to manage one process if it requires more computing power to be executed. Needless to say, additional factors like the amount of RAM or the connection which a given hosting server uses can also affect the performance of the websites hosted on it.

CPU Share in VPS Servers

The CPU speeds offered by our VPS hosting plans vary significantly and you can pick the VPS with the most appropriate system resources for your sites. When you need a VPS for a single Internet site which does not have a lot of visitors, for instance, you can acquire a low-end plan, which will also be cheaper when compared to the high-end solutions offering massive CPU quotas and that can easily match even a dedicated server. We set up just a few VPS accounts on very efficient hosting servers with 16-core processors, so the CPU share that you'll get with your new package deal will be guaranteed at all times and the performance of your web server shall not be affected by other virtual accounts on the same exact physical server. Upgrading from one plan to another will only take a couple of clicks through the billing CP and the extra CPU share will be assigned to your account straightaway.

CPU Share in Dedicated Servers

The dedicated server packages that we offer include various hardware configurations, so that you can choose the most suitable one for your sites or applications. The processor for each and every package deal is different as well - the most powerful package features a 12-core processor that'll provide you with excellent script execution rates, even if your scripts are quite heavy and many people access and use them concurrently. The CPU is extensively examined along with all the other components we use to create each and every new dedicated server, so as to guarantee that the hosting server will work perfectly at all times. We will do this before we give you access to it, since we will never make a compromise with the quality of any of the hardware components we use. The speeds which you see on our site are guaranteed for each of the packages.