A web accelerator is a piece of software that accelerates an Internet site generally by caching content and providing it instead of the hosting server. Such applications could be used for both dynamic and static websites since there are different accelerators which can cache both static content and database calls and responses. The main advantage of employing a web accelerator is that a given site will perform considerably faster without employing additional resources. On the contrary, such a site will need significantly less resources to function as the web accelerator will tackle most requests rather than the server. Unlike many companies which do not offer web accelerators with their solutions or offer just one, we offer 3 different ones that will enable you to speed up your sites irrespective of their style or content.

Web Accelerators in Shared Hosting

In case you get one of our shared hosting plans, you will have three well-known web accelerators at your disposal and you shall be able to access them directly using the Hepsia CP that is included with our packages. Varnish is one of the most well-known ones and it can significantly increase the speed of any site since it caches the pages a visitor opens for the first time and delivers them every time that guest opens them again. Since Varnish operates much faster than any web server, the loading speed of any site using the accelerator will grow significantly. Memcached is used to cache database and API calls and responses between a visitor and a hosting server, so it's comparable to Varnish, but is used mainly for database-driven sites. Considering that the Internet site will connect to its database way less, the overall hosting server load will be reduced significantly. The last accelerator, Node.js, is employed for scalable online apps including chats and booking sites because it processes info in real time the moment it is entered on the website by the users. Depending on the package you choose, these accelerators could be available or could be an optional upgrade.

Web Accelerators in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you go for one of our semi-dedicated server packages, you will be able to employ Varnish, Memcached and Node.js - three effective web accelerators. Varnish is a multi-purpose program which caches pages the first time a site visitor opens them and delivers them instead of the hosting server if the guest opens them again approximately 300% more quickly. Memcached caches API and database calls and responses so that the server does not have to process every request, that makes it ideal for database-driven websites, such as ones developed with Joomla or WordPress. Node.js is used to develop web apps that work in real-time like chats or accommodation booking sites and it processes every bit of information as soon as the user types it instead of waiting for big chunks of data to be accumulated. The Hepsia Control Panel which is included with our semi-dedicated packages shall allow you to choose how many instances of each and every accelerator shall work at a time and the amount of memory they will use.

Web Accelerators in VPS Servers

All VPS servers that are incorporated with the Hepsia Control Panel come with Varnish, Memcached and Node.js already included and you shall have several hundred MBs of dedicated memory for them by default. Varnish, that is also often called an HTTP reverse proxy, caches webpages the first time a visitor opens them and delivers them when that visitor opens them again, so the server won't need to perform any action. Since Varnish functions much quicker than any hosting server, a website employing this accelerator shall operate several times quicker. Memcached is a platform which caches database calls and responses and it's used for WordPress, Joomla and other script-driven programs which store their content inside a database. Node.js is an efficient platform for creating scalable web programs. Any data on an Internet site which employs Node.js is processed instantly, which makes it a fantastic choice for dining and accommodation booking websites, web-based chats, web browser games, and so forth.

Web Accelerators in Dedicated Servers

Memcached, Varnish and Node.js are provided with all dedicated servers ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and in accordance with the package deal which you pick, you'll also have several gbs of dedicated memory for them. Memcached can minimize the web server load by lowering the number of queries which need to be handled since it caches database calls and responses. You shall be able to use it on any site that uses an API or a database - for instance, any site designed with WordPress or Joomla. Varnish could boost the performance of any sort of website by caching whole webpages the first time a guest opens them. The accelerator delivers the webpages if the very same visitor opens them later and since it does that considerably quicker than the web server, the website visitor will be able to look through your website at least several times faster. This is why Varnish is occasionally called an HTTP reverse proxy. Node.js is an advanced platform that will allow you to develop booking websites, web chats and other applications in which real-time server-user interaction is required. It processes the data in small bits as the user fills different boxes and doesn't wait for all boxes to be filled and processed as one big piece of data, which makes Node.js much faster than similar apps.